The technical innovation of licence exempt Wireless LANS (WLANs)SPECIMEN
make it possible to develop something entirely new in ICT namely: -
"Amateur and Community LANs". These are not-for-profit local
community owned and managed IAP/ISP self-help groups offering via a
local community, club or co-operative, eventual profit-free broadband
internet access, local non-commercial (internet) radio and television and
free local (internet) personal and business telephone and video.
Profit-free broadband internet access can now give access to high quality
broadband and video communications to all sections of the community
such as the young, poor and disadvantaged: which would otherwise for many
years to come be the exclusive gift of wealthy upmarket consumers and
businesses alone.
This provision of free, quality, high speed broadband access to a
network can encourage participation in modern neighbourhood
community development. Offering through the equivalent of free local
telephone calls and the lowest possible cost internet access.
By being provided at real cost, community internet can reduce the
pernicious financial drain on business and social life developing from
increasingly acquisitive and monopolistic parasitic transnational
telecoms utilities.
The initiative is being taken up locally by a small number of Computer
Enthusiasts and Radio Amateurs who meeting at a pub in the former
Somerset County Town of Bath have set up an local wireless network
group called The Mendip Amateur Radio WLAN Group which intends
setting up the first Amateur & Community WLAN access point servicing
the Midsomer Norton / Radstock area.
Further details:
Word count 288.
The Mendip Amateur Radio WLAN Group Phone: (+44) 0 1225 789144
Email: ISDN Video: (+44) 0 1225